Color Mill Design | Fort Bragg Food Bank

Fort Bragg Food Bank

People coming together to create hope for an abundant life for everyone.

Established in 1979, Fort Bragg Food Bank has been taking care of the community for many years. They offer hope and health to those in need and shine a light on food insecurity in our community. When they approached us to update their brand and redesign their website, we knew we had to create a vibrant bright look that would reflect this mission.

Logo before and after

How do you build a new brand around an existing logo?

Along with bright new leadership, facility upgrades, new delivery vans and an expanded staff, FBFB was ready for an upgrade to their brand. Their logo, established around the organization’s conception, is steadfast and very recognizable. It’s a legacy they want to maintain. So how do we build a brand that radiates vibrancy and progress around a B&W logo created in the 80s? We create a palette of bright painterly colors and watercolor textures, adding splashes of color to everything: accentuating the intricate line work of the pen and ink drawing while also expressing their vibrant new direction.

"The Color Mill's work increased donations and added vibrancy to our entire organization."

Amanda Friscia - Executive Director, Fort Bragg Food Bank

Food Bank cover

Expressing a message of inspiration.

The design of the Food Bank’s newsletters needed to appeal to donors and potential donors while also creating a lasting impression for the months between publications. Merging elements of the brand’s new strategy with their bright visual identity helped express their message of openness, vibrancy and inspiring the community. This created a publication that is inspiring, easy to digest and inviting. The infographics show off the organization’s accomplishments and help the potential donor see the possibilities and the achievements of the organization.

With the first issue of the newsletter came praise from donors saying the new look changed the entire feeling of the Food Bank-- it felt more vibrant and happier than ever before. The newly designed newsletter has also increased donations by over 100%, year over year. This, along with a newly designed services brochure, stickers, magnets and staff business cards rounds out the Food Bank's brand and delivers a consistent message in everything they do.

Information delivered beautifully.

Our goal was to create a site that embodied the brightness and inspiring nature of the organization, while also creating a site that could be easily updated and maintained by their busy team. The result is a colorful, well organized platform that captures and demonstrates the Food Bank’s mission of being a helpful community resource.

When it came to designing the site and establishing the overall look and flow, we used the existing site as a loose guide to help us understand what was important to the customers-- and what wasn’t working. We introduced a bright color palette paired with custom photography that was created specifically for the website. This allowed for very targeted and appropriate content that fit seamlessly into the design. Through this effort, we were able to redefine the look and feel of the brand and also make resources and information available and easily accessible to the Food Bank’s clients.

Website image
Website image