Color Mill Design | It's Gonna Be Weird

It's Gonna Be Weird

Yesterday was the first day we had clients in our shop since March. And I'm going to be honest: it was weird.

None of us was sure what the mask protocol was; we instinctively shook hands then immediately tried not to look horrified that we'd just touched each other; and we tried not to touch the same pen and scissors as we talked about the artwork we'd designed for them. We all kept commenting on how unnatural and awkward it all was.

I personally have my thoughts and feelings and opinions about all of this and I know you do too. I understand that physical distancing helps stop the spread-- this is why our storefront remains closed to the public. But I can't help thinking about the joy I get from giving a friend a hug or from the good solid handshake of a new client. It's really deeply satisfying and brings us closer than a smile through a mask.

As I sat at that table yesterday, laughing over the awkwardness, talking about design and connecting with new clients who I hope become good friends, I realized that until my comfort level changes, until there's a vaccine, until we really understand this thing, I think I will have to sink into the uncomfortable feelings and get used to this uncertainty. But while we're waiting for things to get better, we shouldn't forget to reach out to people in different ways and show our support and connection through the actions we can engage in safely now. And to remember: it's just gonna be weird for a while.